Give Goods and Services
Operation Renewed Hope Foundation relies heavily on donated goods and services. We’re in need of a wide variety goods and services. See how you can help ↓
Your donated item goes directly to helping a Veteran in need.
- Good condition, serviceable furniture, e.g., dining tables, chairs, sofas, beds, dressers, recliners
- Household items such as bedding, towels, toiletries, vacuum cleaners.
- Appliances and televisions
- Baby Cribs
- Cleaning supplies (See the “Welcome Basket” that we provide Veterans for more details.)
• Moving • Cleaning • Financial
• Dental • Mental Health
If you have items or services that you’d like to donate to help Veterans, please let us know by using our Contact Form.
If you have a church group, employer, or scouting troop that would like to collect for our Veterans, consider putting together “Welcome Baskets.”
If you have clothing you’d like to donate, we encourage you to support one of many other worthy charities, like A Wider Circle or a local church. We do not have storage space to save clothes nor staff to sort sizes.
Thank you for your generosity and support for our homeless Veterans!